What you need to know before eyelash perming?

What you need to know before eyelash perming?

Are models and celebrities born to have gorgeous looking eyelashes? Think again, most celebrities owe their stunning looks from permanent makeup and sometimes from cosmetic surgery. The increasing trend of making your eyes look amazing continues, that’s why treatments like eyelash perming was born. This article will answer some of your questions about this beauty treatment.

Eyelash perming or sometimes called eyelash permanent wave is a cosmetic procedure that enhance your natural eyelashes. It uses the technology used to perm hair. It is one of the most common ways to curl your lashes in a safe and easy way.

Most of our salon client’s are those who doesn’t want to spend more time in front of the mirror putting mascara.  They opt for eyelash perm  because it creates fuller, healthier and longer looking lashes. In general, eyelash perming costs about 100 to 200 dirhams and takes about an hour to complete. The effect will remain  for a few months before  you visit the salon again for re-doing.

As I’ve mentioned earlier the technique use in eyelash perming is similar to having your hair permed. The process includes wrapping your eyelashes in a small roller and a protective layer is placed in between your lashes and lower eye. Once the first step is done the esthetician will then apply a glue or chemical to your rolled lashes and let it set for five minutes.

Keep in mind that eyelash perming gives the illusion that your eyes are wider than they actually are.  But take note it doesn’t make your eyelashes look longer, all it does is to curl your eyelashes and make them stay in place.

Exercise a little caution

Your eyes are the most noticeable and attractive feature in your face. An eyelash perm will help you get bigger, more beautiful eyes without wearing any makeup. Since this kind of beauty treatment will cost you a lot more than you think the results are brilliant.

Just a bit of friendly advise be sure to seek out a qualified professional. Go to “The Victoria Spa and Salon”they  perform multiple eyelash perms on a daily basis, therefore their expert on this kind of treatment.Your eyes are sensitive and in this kind of treatment  you should seek out the best esthetician, not the cheapest. Call today and set an appointment.